When Is It Time For My Loved One to Move to a Skilled Nursing Home?

Making the decision for a loved one to move to a nursing home is never easy. It often depends on various factors such as their health condition, safety concerns, their ability to manage daily activities, and the support available to them. Here are some signs that...

CMS Issues 2024 SSI & Spousal Impoverishment Figures

The federal government has announced the spousal impoverishment figures for 2024. The changes are outlined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as follows: Maximum Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA) = $154,140 Minimum CSRA = $30,828 Maximum...

Medicaid Waiver Programs in Missouri

As of January 2022 data, Missouri offers several Medicaid waiver programs, known as Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, designed to provide long-term care services to eligible individuals in home and community settings. Here are some key Medicaid waiver...

Medicaid Waiver Programs in Kansas

According to January 2022 data, Kansas has several Medicaid waiver programs designed to provide home and community-based services to eligible individuals who would otherwise require care in institutional settings. Here are some key Medicaid waiver programs in Kansas:...