Can My Family Inherit My Season Tickets?

Sports fans with season tickets may want their families to enjoy the tickets after they are gone, but passing on these tickets may not be simple. Getting season tickets to your favorite sport is not always an easy task. Season tickets for some teams can cost a lot of...

Can an IRA Affect Medicaid Eligibility?

For many Medicaid applicants, individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are one of their biggest assets. If you do not plan properly, IRAs can count as an available asset and affect Medicaid eligibility. Medicaid applicants can have only a small amount of assets in order...

Can Medicaid Recover Benefits from an IRA After the Recipient Dies?

It depends on the state. Some states don’t exempt IRAs even when they are in payout status, so the IRA will have to be spent down before qualifying for Medicaid benefits. But for those states that exempt IRAs, the question is whether the state’s estate recovery rules...