States Are Turning to Managed Care for Medicaid LTC

More and more states are switching to a managed care model when dealing with Medicaid long-term care patients, a change that has resulted in a loss of services in some cases. Many states use managed care to deliver care to their regular Medicaid populations, but until...

Does Divorce Affect Social Security Spousal Benefits?

More than 50 million Americans receive Social Security retirement benefits. Most of these recipients are retirees who worked and paid Social Security taxes. But millions of dependents and survivors of retired workers, including spouses and ex-spouses, also receive a...

Promissory Notes and Medicaid Planning

Medicaid planning is often a complex process aimed at preserving a person’s assets while qualifying for Medicaid benefits. Finding a way to pay for long-term care costs without depleting all your hard-earned assets is a key part of Medicaid planning. One strategy for...

New Rental Assistance Rule May Open Benefits to More Seniors

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has published a final rule simplifying and expanding its rental subsidy program for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Effective September 30, 2024, the new rule is likely to allow more people to qualify for SSI. In addition,...

Are My Assets Protected If My Husband Has to Go on Medicaid?

Question: My husband has no assets in his name; everything is in my name. His only income is Social Security. He has long-term care insurance that will last approximately six years. Would he be eligible for Medicaid at that point? (And are my assets protected?)...

Understanding Medicaid’s Long-Term Care Spousal Impoverishment

The prospect of long-term care often brings with it many financial concerns. As we experience our declining health or that of an aging family member, we begin to realize that long-term care needs at home or in a facility could be necessary. When looking into local...