Medicare Part D Enrollees May Pay Less for These 10 Drugs

Are you among the roughly 50 million seniors with a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan? You may end up paying less for certain medications come 2026 – and beyond. Negotiating Prescription Drug Costs The cost of brand-name prescription medications has increased...

3 Tips for Prepping for Medicare Annual Enrollment 2023

Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is just around the corner. In just a little over a month, those of you who are looking to enroll in a Medicare plan will have a chance to do just that. If you want to make the most of AEP, preparing for the event is key....

8 Frequently Asked Questions on Last Wills and Testaments

Starting an estate plan can be overwhelming, and you probably have many questions. You are not alone. Below are eight questions people often ask about last wills and testaments as they begin to think about estate planning. 1. Aren’t Wills Only for Wealthy People? This...

Selling Your Life Insurance Policy to Help Cover Expenses

The National Council on Aging reports that more than 16.5 million adults 65 and older experience economic insecurity, with incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Rising housing and health care bills can burden seniors on fixed, limited incomes. Life...

Should You Use a Medical Credit Card?

According to the Health System Tracker, individuals in the United States have more than $195 billion in medical debt. Medical credit accounts for a portion of this debt. From 2018, to 2020, people in the U.S. used medical credit cards or loans with deferred interest...

Prior Authorization: Why Is It Holding Up My Medical Care?

You may be in need of a medical procedure, such an MRI, or are due to refill a certain prescription medication. And yet you may find yourself having to wait until your insurer approves coverage for it before you can move forward. At a minimum, this process, known as...