What Does ‘Geriatric’ Mean, and What Is Geriatric Care?

Long-term care for seniors is always evolving. One possible next step for you or your loved one may be geriatric care. You may be wondering: What does this type of care entail? Is it any different from the arrangements I have previously made for my aging family...

Report: Lower Prices for Generics Via Online Pharmacies

For people who rely on multiple medications, the expenses accumulate. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, eight out of 10 adults say prescription medication costs are unreasonable. Three in 10 adults on four or more drugs report difficulty affording them and...

Feds Announce New Strategy to Support Family Caregivers

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has recently started to focus on finding ways to support family caregivers by assisting them with resources to maintain their health, well-being, and financial security while they act as caregivers. As part of...

Can We Apply for Medicaid for Our Mom Without Her Signature?

Question: My mom needs Medicaid for a possible future stay in a nursing home. She has not given any of her children power of attorney, and she refuses to sign anything, including any Medicaid application papers. Is there any way to apply for her without her signature?...