Protecting Your House After You Move Into a Nursing Home
While you generally do not have to sell your home in order to qualify for Medicaid coverage of nursing home care, it is possible the state can file a claim against your house after you die, so you may want to take steps to protect your house.
How Parents Can Provide for a Caregiver Child
Taking care of a parent can be a full-time job. Parents who want to compensate a child who takes on the burden of caregiving may do so in one of several ways.
Getting Paid as a Family Caregiver Through Medicaid
Caring for an ailing family member is difficult work, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be unpaid work. There are programs available that allow Medicaid recipients to hire family members as caregivers.
Report Ranks States on Nursing Home Quality and Shows Families' Conflicted Views
A new report that combines nursing home quality data with a survey of family members ranks the best and worst states for care and paints a picture of how Americans view nursing homes.
What Is an ABLE Account? An Introduction
These tax-free savings accounts, which allow many people with disabilities or their families to save while remaining on government assistance, can make a big difference to families with special needs children.
Bipartisan Bill Gives Explicit Right to Care in the Community Rather than an Institution
People with disabilities would have an explicit legal right to receive services in the community rather than in an institution under new legislation backed by a bipartisan group of senators and representatives.
Am I Legally Required to Support My Adult Child with Disabilities? Maybe.
The New York Times Magazine’s weekly The Ethicist column recently explored a difficult question that may challenge many parents of adult children with special needs.
SSA Proposes to End the Option to Appeal a Benefits Denial in Person
The Social Security Administration is seeking to conduct essentially all appeals for people denied disability benefits via video conference, despite concerns from advocates that many claimants will not be able to participate by video.
Feds Release 2019 Guidelines Used to Protect the Spouses of Medicaid Applicants
The federal government has released the 2019 federal guidelines for how much money the spouses of Medicaid recipients may keep, as well as related Medicaid figures..
Understanding Medicare's Hospice Benefit
Medicare's hospice benefit is one of the most comprehensive benefits and can be extremely helpful to both the terminally ill individual and his or her family, but it is little understood and underutilized.
The Best and Worst States for Protection Against Elder Abuse
The older the population gets, the greater the potential for elder abuse. States have laws in place designed to combat elder abuse, but some states are doing a better job than others.
Why Not Just Use an Off-the-Shelf Power of Attorney Form?
A durable power of attorney is one of the most important estate planning documents you can have. It is important to get it right, so you shouldn't use a do-it-yourself form.
Have Private Insurance and Are Turning 65? You Need Sign Up for Medicare Part B
If you are paying for your own insurance, you may think you do not need to sign up for Medicare when you turn 65. However, not signing up for Medicare Part B right away can cost you down the road.
Mark D. Munson Selected for CAP Membership
Last week, our attorney, Mark D. Munson, was honored to have been selected for membership in NAELA's Council of Advanced Practitioners (CAP). CAP was founded in 2003 to provide more advanced programming, in the fields of Elder and Special Needs Law, for the most...
It’s Open Enrollment Season: Is Your Medicare Plan Still Working For You?
Do you have the right Medicare plan? It is fall, which means it is time to think about whether your current plan is still giving you the best coverage or whether a new plan could save you money or offer better coverage.