The impact on your home when moving to assisted living or a skilled nursing home can depend on various factors. In many cases, there are protections in place to prevent the loss of your home, but it’s essential to consider individual circumstances and the specific regulations in your state or local community.

  1. Medicaid Eligibility: Medicaid often covers long-term care costs, including nursing home care. However, to qualify, there are usually asset and income limits. Your primary residence may be exempt from these calculations, meaning it might not count as an asset in determining eligibility.
  2. Spouse or Dependents Living in the Home: If your spouse, a dependent, or a disabled child is residing in your home, it may be protected from being sold to cover long-term care expenses.
  3. Estate Recovery: In some cases, Medicaid may place a lien on the home. This means that after the homeowner passes away, the state may try to recover the costs paid for their care from the sale of the home.
  4. Rental or Sale of the Home: Some individuals choose to rent out their home or sell it to cover the expenses of assisted living or nursing home care. This can affect Medicaid eligibility and should be considered carefully and only under the advice of an elder care professional.
  5. Consulting an Attorney or Financial Advisor: It’s highly advisable to seek advice from an attorney specializing in elder law. They can provide personalized guidance based on your situation and help you understand the options available to protect your home.

The rules and regulations regarding home protection can vary by state and even by locality, so seeking professional advice tailored to your circumstances is crucial.