What Are Medicaid Waivers?

Medicaid waivers are programs authorized by the federal government that allow states to provide long-term care services to individuals who would otherwise require care in nursing homes or other institutional settings. These waivers, also known as Home and...

Do Caregiver Duties Help Older Women Live Longer?

Despite the considerable level of stress that can come with serving as a unpaid caregiver, a new study now suggests that taking care of a loved one may in fact lead to increased longevity among older women. The findings, published in The Journal of the American...

SSI Recipients to Get Relief Following Landmark Settlement

The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc worldwide in the realms of health care, education, the economy, and beyond. For seniors and people with disabilities across the U.S. who have limited income, the pandemic also had a particularly devastating impact on their public...