Five Estate Planning Myths
There are lots of misconceptions about estate planning, and any one of them can result in costly mistakes. Understanding who needs an estate plan and what it should cover is key to creating a plan that is right for you. A properly crafted estate plan allows you, while...
Will My Grandmother’s Annuity Affect Her Medicaid Eligibility?
Yes, an annuity is like any other investment asset and must be liquidated and spent down before Medicaid will pick up the cost of your mother’s care. It may feel like the nursing home is “taking” the annuity, since it will likely be spent paying for your grandmother’s...
The 2020 Social Security Increase Will Be Smaller than 2019’s
The Social Security Administration has announced a 1.6 percent increase in benefits in 2020, nearly half of last year's change. The small rise has advocates questioning whether the government is using the proper method to calculate the cost of living for older...
What to Do If You Are Appointed Guardian of an Older Adult
Being appointed guardian of a loved one is a serious responsibility. As guardian, you are in charge of your loved one's well-being and you have a duty to act in his or her best interest. If an adult becomes mentally incapacitated and is incapable of making responsible...
Don’t Let Medicare Open Enrollment Go By Without Reassessing Your Options
Medicare's Open Enrollment Period, during which you can freely enroll in or switch plans, runs from October 15 to December 7. Don't let this period slip by without shopping around to see whether your current choices are the best ones for you. During this period you...
When Should You Consider Changing Your Special Needs Plan’s Key Players?
You have completed and executed your plan for your special needs child. Everyone you’ve selected to serve—your guardian, your trustee, your health care proxy, your executor, and possibly a trust protector as well—has signed the paperwork. All set? For now, yes. But...
Can My Mother Spend Down Her Money at the Casino and Other Social Activities and Still Qualify for Medicaid?
Spending on social activities is fine, and in theory there is no limit on the cost. However, the issue is proving how the money was spent. If your mother spends the money as cash, how does the Medicaid agency know whether it was lost at the casino or given to someone...
Hybrid Policies Allow You to Have Your Long-Term Care Insurance Cake and Eat It, Too
As long-term care insurance premiums rise and fewer companies offer policies, alternatives to traditional long-term care insurance policies are springing up. Previously, we wrote about annuity “doublers” that help pay for long-term care. Another increasingly popular...
How to Use a Trust in Medicaid Planning
With careful Medicaid planning, you may be able to preserve some of your estate for your children or other heirs while meeting Medicaid's low asset limit. The problem with transferring assets is that you have given them away. You no longer control them, and even a...
Directory of State ABLE Account Programs
The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act allows people with disabilities who became disabled before they turned 26 to set aside up to $15,000 a year in tax-free savings accounts without affecting their eligibility for government benefits like Medicaid and...
What to Look for in a Pre-Paid Funeral Plan
Prepaying for your funeral is one way to ease the burden on your family following your death and make sure your wishes are carried out. But pre-paid funeral plans come with risks, so you need to exercise care when purchasing a plan. Funerals are expensive and can take...
Most Are Taking Social Security at the Wrong Time
A new report finds that almost no retirees are making financially optimal decisions about when to take Social Security and are losing out on more than $100,000 per household in the process. The average Social Security recipient would receive 9 percent more income in...
Funding a Special Needs Trust with Life Insurance: The Basics
Written and Submitted to the Academy of Special Needs Planners By: Lelia Wardwell Mander Among the many challenges for families is making sure there will always be enough money to provide lifetime care for their special needs children. The costs are daunting:...
Veterans Disability Benefits Now Protected in Bankruptcy Proceedings
Eliminating a cruel quirk in federal bankruptcy law, legislation signed into law by President Trump on August 23, 2019, protects veterans disability benefits from creditors in bankruptcy proceedings. "By protecting their disability compensation during bankruptcy, we...
What to Look for When Buying an Annuity
An annuity can be a useful tool for long-term care planning, but annuities are also complex financial products that are hard to understand. If purchasing an annuity, you need to consider your options carefully. An annuity is a contract with an insurance company under...