How to Deal With Student Loan Debt as You Age

The number of older Americans with student loan debt – either theirs or someone else’s -- is growing. Sadly, learning how to deal with this debt is now a fact of life for many seniors heading into retirement. According to a study by the Consumer Financial Protection...

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Should You Sell Your Life Insurance Policy?

Older Americans with a life insurance policy that they no longer need have the option to sell the policy to investors. These transactions, called "life settlements," can bring in needed cash, but are they a good idea? If your children are grown and your mortgage paid...

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Can Medicaid Pay for Care in the Home??

Traditionally, Medicaid has paid for long-term care in a nursing home, however all 50 states now have Medicaid programs that offer at least some home care. In some states, even family members can get paid for providing care at home. Medicaid is a joint federal-state...

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